Public schools can work more closely with youth, parents, and their communities, despite limited resources. You know refugee youth can be high performers, but many require extra help. RYE can work with schools to overcome individual, family, and community language and cultural barriers and improve learning outcomes.

  • Improve ACT scores.

  • Reduce refugee drop-outs.

  • Involve community leaders.

  • Strengthen service learning.

  • Meet UNC system minimums.

  • Improve parents’ involvement.

  • Improve language and build cultural bridges.

Service learning can be a big motivator for refugee youth as a way to broaden their horizons, stay in school, and help themselves, their families and their communities build stronger ties to one another and to their new country.


Colleges and universities can support increased refugee access to and success on their campuses. As demographics rapidly change throughout the US, RYE can help your institution identify strong candidates, improve retention and strengthen campus diversity.

  • Strengthen HIPs

  • Address local needs

  • Recruit refugee students

  • Value their skills

  • Create scholarships

  • Improve support services

  • Diversify the student body

  • Train culturally competent staff

Refugee students reflect global perspectives, language, and cultural skills, and unique personal experiences consistent with AACU High Impact Practices. Upperclassmen, especially those with refugee backgrounds, play key roles as Peer Mentors to high schoolers and new college students’ identity development, coordinate with community partners and RYE staff, and assist in programming.