African Services Coalition’s Match Grant program is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). It requires an investment of “private” resources from the sponsoring agency to match its federal funds. Currently, for every $1 raised by the agency (in cash, in-kind services, or donations) ORR awards $2 to the agency (up to $2,020 per client in the program). The aim of the Match Grant program is to help enrollees attain economic self-sufficiency through the provision of comprehensive case management and services leading to employment within the first eight months of arrival without accessing any public cash assistance.

Match Grant is a federally-funded program operated under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The North Carolina African Services Coalition receives funds for the Match Grant program through ECDC.

Who is eligible for our Match Grant Program?

To be eligible for the MG program, clients must provide documentary proof of one of the following statuses:

  1. Refugees or asylees;

  2. Cuban or Haitian entrants;

  3. Certain Amerasians or Vietnamese;

  4. Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking.

  5. Special Immigrant Visa Holders (SIVs).

Enrollment in the MG Program must occur within 31 days of the individual’s date of eligibility. At least one member of the case unit must be deemed ‘employable’. Enrollment in African Services Coalition’s MG program is based on staff discretion and the likelihood of accessing employment and economic self-sufficiency quickly.

All eligibility requirements are sourced from the ORR website.

Funding for the MG program is provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement through a subcontract by the Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.

*Please note there have been some staff changes since this video was recorded. You can find an updated staff list and contact info on the OUR STAFF page linked above.